About the Author

Michaela Gomes is a South African born writer from Johannesburg. After completing her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Language and Literature from the University of the Witwatersrand, Michaela relocated to Cape Town. Michaela pursued a career in education, merging her passion for language development and working with children. Michaela is an educator in Camps Bay and passionately encourages reading and storytelling in the Early Childhood Development space.

As a testament to her British-Portuguese heritage, Michaela best describes herself as an English rose in a vegetable patch, whereby her humour was nourished and flourished.

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Currently, we are only able to ship within South Africa. We understand the excitement and demand for Dumpling globally and are working to expand our shipping capabilities. Our team is actively exploring international shipping options and we are optimistic about making Dumpling available worldwide. We are aiming to start shipping internationally by 2024. Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for your interest in our stories!

Is shipping included in the price?

No, shipping is not included in the price of Dumpling. We charge an additional fee of R60 for shipping within South Africa. This ensures that our books are delivered safely and efficiently to your doorstep. We strive to keep our shipping costs as affordable as possible.

How long will it take to ship if I am in South Africa?

The shipping time for Dumpling varies based on your location within South Africa. If you're in central locations, you can expect your order to arrive within 3-4 business days. For those in more remote areas, it generally takes a bit longer, about 4-5 business days. We work with reliable shipping partners to ensure your order gets to you as swiftly as possible.

Does it come in other languages?

As of now, Dumpling is available exclusively in English. We understand the importance of accessibility and the joy of reading in one's native language. We are constantly assessing the demand for Dumpling in other languages. If there's a significant need, we will certainly consider translating to reach a wider audience and enrich more children's reading experiences. Your feedback and interest in this matter are always appreciated!